
Hiring soon: Three postdocs on various NASA and NSF funded projects. Stay tuned!

Undergraduates interested in joining the Record Lab should fill out this questionaire and email it to Sydne.

Note that if you would like to do summer research with Sydne the deadline for applications to the Harvard Forest Summer Research Program in Ecology is typically in early February, which is earlier than the Bryn Mawr Summer Science Research application deadline. It is best to talk with Sydne in advance of the Harvard Forest deadline if you have an interest in summer research.

This summer students working with Sydne will work on one of two projects. In one project funded by the National Science Foundation, students will learn/advance their skills with geographic information system software and R to collate land use information for National Ecological Observatory Network field sites. In another project funded by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, students will collect in-situ data on trees at Harvard Forest to validate predictions made from theoretical models fit with remotely sensed data.