
A * indicates an undergraduate co-author and an † indicates a postdoctoral co-author from my laboratory. 

Link to Sydne’s Google Scholar Profile:

In preparation/review/revision

SanClements, M., S. Record, K. Rose, A. Donnelly, S. Chong, K. Duffy, A. Hallmark, J. Heffernan, J. Liu, J. Mitchell, D. Moore, K. Naithani, C. O’Reilly, E. Sokol, K. Stack Whitney, and D. Yang. In revision. People, infrastructure, and data: A pathway to an inclusive and diverse ecological Network of Networks. Ecosphere.

Halpern, B.S., et al. In revision. Priorities for synthesis in ecology and environmental science. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.

Jevon, F.*, D. de la Cruz*, A. Lang, J. LaManna, D. Orwig, S. Record, P. Kouba, M. Ayres, and J. Matthes. In revision. Experimental and observational evidence of negative conspecific density dependence in temperate ectomycorrhizal trees. Ecology.

Grady, J.M.*, Q.D. Read*, S. Record, N. Rüger, P.L. Zarnetske, A.I. Dell, S.P. Hubbell, S.T. Michaeletz, A. Shenkin, and B.J. Enquist. In preparation. Life history scaling and the division of energy in forests. Intended submission to Ecology Letters.

Kamoski, A.G., K.M. Dahlin, Q.D. Read, S. Record, S.P. Serbin, S.C. Stark, and P.L. Zarnetske. In revision. Mapping multiple dimensions of forest biodiversity with airborne hyperspectral and lidar remote sensing. Global Ecology and Biogeography.

Record, S., C. Chillcutt*, K. Hoerr*, H.-J. Wei, P. Zarnetske, B. Baiser, B. Gerstner, Q.D. Read, A. Yue, A. Strecker, and K. Thibault. In preparation. The importance of ecological memory to insights from the National Ecological Observatory Network. Intended submission to Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.


55) Li, D., S. Record, E. Sokol, M.E. Bitters, M.Y. Chen, A. Chung, M. Helmus, R. Jaimes, L. Jansen, M.A. Jarzyna, M.G. Just, J.M. LaMontagne, B. Melbourne, W. Moss, K. Norman, S. Parker, N. Robinson, B. Seyednasrollah, C. Smith, S. Spaulding, T. Surasinghe, S. Thomsen, and P. Zarnetske. In press. Standardized NEON organismal data for biodiversity research. Slated for special issue on NEON Science Summit in Ecosphere.

54) Gaiser, E.E., M.R. Downs, J.S. Kominoski, D.M. McKnight, C.A. Bahlai, C. Cheng, S. Record, W. Wollheim, K.R Christianson, P.A. Hawman, S.J. Holbrook, A. Kumar, D. Mishra, N.P Molotch, R.B. Primack, A. Rassweiler, R.J. Schmitt, and L. Sutter. In press. Long term ecological research and the pandemic-driven anthropause: A window to understanding the role of human disturbance in ecosystem dynamics. Ecosphere.

53) Jarzyna, M., K. Norman, J. LaMontagne, M. Helmus, D. Li, S. Parker, M. Perez Rocha, S. Record, E. Sokol, P.L. Zarnetske, and T. Surasinghe. In press. Ecosystem stability is related to animal dynamics at a continental scale. Slated for special issue on NEON Science Summit in Ecosphere.

52) Record, S., M. Jarzyna, B. Hardiman, and A. Richardson. 2022. Interdisciplinarity and open data contribute to resilient innovation during pandemic. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. doi:10.1002/fee.2468.

51) Nagy, R.C. et al. 2022. Harnessing the NEON data revolution to advance open environmental science with a diverse and data-capable community. Slated for special issue on NEON Science Summit in Ecosphere 12(12):e03833.

50) Schultz, E.L., L. Hulsmann, M.D. Pillet, F. Hartig, D.B. Breshears, S. Record, J.D. Shaw, R.J. DeRose, P.A. Zuidema, and M.E.K. Evans. 2022. Climate-driven, but dynamic and complex? A reconciliation of competing hypotheses for species’ distributions. Ecology Letters 25(1):38-51.

49) Lamy, T., N. Wisonowski, A. Riley, M.C.N. Castorani, A. Compagnoni, N. Lany, L. Marazzi, S. Record, C. Swan, J. Tonkin, S. Wang, N. Voelker, P.L. Zarnetske, and E. Sokol. 2021. The dual nature of metacommunity variability. Oikos 00:1-15. doi: 10.1111/oik.08517.

48) O’Brien, M., C.A. Smith, E.R. Sokol, C. Gries, N. Lany, S. Record, and M.C.N. Castorani. 2021. ecocomDP: A flexible data design pattern for ecological community survey data. Ecological Informatics, 64:101374.

47) Bittleston, L., Z. Freedman, J. Bernardin, J. Grothjan, E. Young, S. Record, Benjamin B., and S. Gray. 2021. Exploring microbiome functional dynamics through space and time with trait-based theory. mSystems 6(4):e00530-21.

46) Smith, A.C., K.M. Dahlin, J.K. Costanza, S. Record, A.M. Wilson, and P.L. Zarnetske. 2021. The geodiv R package: tools for calculating gradient surface metrics. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 0:1-7.

45) Charney, N.D., S. Record, B. Gerstner, C. Merow, P.L. Zarnetske, and B.J. Enquist. 2021. A test of species distribution model transferability across environmental and geographic space for 108 western North American tree species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9:393.

44) Malone, S.L. and S. Record. 2021. Addressing bias across scales: Promoting diversity in ecology. Ecological Applications, 31(6):e02346.

43) Ellison, A.M., A.Barker-Plotkin, M.V. Patel, and S. Record. 2021. Broadening the ecological mindset. Ecological Applications, 31(6):e02347.

42) Welti, E., A. Joern, A.M. Ellison, D. Lightfoot, S. Record, N. Rodenhouse, E. Stanley, and M. Kaspari. 2021. Studies of insect temporal trends must account for the complex sampling histories inherent to many long-term monitoring efforts. Nature Ecology and Evolution. doi: 10.1038/s41559-021-01424-0

41) Freedman, Z., A. McGrew, B. Baiser, M. Besson, D. Gravel, T. Poisot, S. Record, L. Trotta, and N. Gotelli. 2021. Environment-host microbial interactions shape the S. purpurea microbiome at the continental scale. Ecology,102 (5), e03308.

40) Record, S., N.M. Voelker, P.L. Zarnetske, N.I. Wisnoski, J.D. Tonkin, C. Swan, L. Marazzi, N. Lany, T. Lamy, A. Compagnoni, M.C.N. Castorani, R. Andrade, and E.R. Sokol. 2021. Novel insights to be gained from applying metacommunity theory to long-term, spatially replicated biodiversity data. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8:1-10.

39) Jones, J., P. Groffman, J. Blair, F. Davis, H. Dugan, E. Euskirchen, S. Frey, T. Harms, E. Hinckley, M. Kosmala, S. Loberg, S. Malone, K. Novick, S. Record, A. Rocha, B. Ruddell, E. Stanley, C. Sturtevant, A. Thorpe, T. White, W. Wieder, L. Zhai, and K. Zhu. 2020. Synergies among environmental science research and monitoring networks: A research agenda. Earth’s FutureDOI: 10.1029/2020EF001631

38) Jevon, F.V., S. Record, J.M. Grady*, A.K. Lang, D.A. Orwig, M.P. Ayres, and J. Hatala Matthes. 2020. Seedling survival declines with increasing conspecific density in a common temperate tree. Ecosphere 11(11):e03292.

37) Record, S. K. Dahlin, P.L. Zarnetske, Q. Read, S.L. Malone, K. Gaddis, J.M. Grady, J. Costanza, M. Hobi, A. Latimer, S. Pau, A.M. Wilson, A. Finley, S. Ollinger. 2020. Remote sensing of geodiversity and biodiversity. Chapter in: Remote Sensing of Biodiversity: Using spectral signals of to understand the biology and biodiversity of plants, communities, ecosystems and the tree of life.  Springer Remote Sensing/Photogrammetry Series. Editors: Jeannine Cavender-Bares, John Gamon, Phil Townsend. pp. 225-253.

36) Li, D., J.D. Olden, J.L. Lockwood, S. Record, M.L. McKinney, and B. Baiser. 2020. Changes in taxonomic and phylogenetic diversity in the Anthropocene. Proccedings of the Royal Society B 287(1929):20200777.

35) Read, Q., P.L. Zarnetske, S. Record, K.M. Dahlin, J.K. Costanza, A.O. Finley, K.D. Gaddis, J.M. Grady, M.L. Hobi, A.M. Latimer, S.L. Malone, S.V. Ollinger, S. Pau, and A.M. Wilson. 2020. Beyond counts and averages: Relating geodiversity to dimensions of biodiversity. Global Ecology and Biogeography 29(4):696-710.

34) Degrassi, A.L., S. Brantley, C.R. Levine, J. Mohan, S. Record, D.F. Tomback, and A.M. Ellison. 2019. Loss of foundation species revisited: Conceptual framework with lessons learned from eastern hemlock and whitebark pine. Ecosphere 10:e11.

33) Dahlin, K., P. Zarnetske, and S. Record. 2019.  Hearing every voice – Working groups that work. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17(9):493-494.

32) Schrodt, S., J.J. Bailey, W.D. Kissling, K.F. Rijsdijk, A.C. Seijmonsbergen, D. van Ree, J. Hjort, R.S. Lawley, C.N. Williams, M. Anderson, P. Beier, P. van Beukering, D.S. Boyd, J. Brilha, L. Carcavilla, K.M. Dahlin, J.C. Gill, J.E. Gordon, M. Gray, M. Grundy, M.L. Hunter, J.J. Lawler, M. Monge-Ganuzas, K.R. Royse, I. Stewart, S. Record, W. Turner, P.L. Zarnetske, and R. Field. 2019. To advance sustainable stewardship, we must document not only biodiversity but geodiversity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116(33):16155-16158.

31) Zarnetske, P., Q. Read, S. Record, K. Gaddis, S. Pau, M Hobi, S. Malone, J. Costanza, K. Dahlin, A. Latimer, A. Wilson, J. Grady, S. Ollinger, and A. Finley. 2019. Connecting biodiversity and geodiversity across scales with satellite remote sensing. Global Ecology and Biogeography 00:1-9.

30) Grady, J.M., B.S. Maitner, A.S. Winter, K. Kaschner, D.P. Tittensor, S. Record, F.A. Smith, A.M. Wilson, A.I. Dell, P.L. Zarnetske, H.J. Wearing, B. Alfaro, and J.H. Brown. 2019. Metabolic asymmetry and the global diversity of marine predators. Science 363(6425):eaat4220.

29) Grady, J.M., Q. Read, S. Record, P. Zarnetske, B. Baiser, K. Thorne*, and J. Belmaker. 2018. Size, niches, and the latitudinal diversity gradient. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology 14.

28) Record, S., A. Strecker, M. Tuanmu, L. Beaudrot, P.L. Zarnetske, and J. Belmaker. 2018. Does scale matter? Incorporating biological realism when predicting changes in species distributions. PLOS One13(4): e0194650.

27) Record, S., T.D. McCabe*, B. Baiser, and A.M. Ellison. 2018. Are foundation tree species effects different from those of dominant species? A case study with North American ant assemblages. Ecosphere 9(3):e01239. DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.2139

26) Read, Q.D., J.M. Grady, P.L. Zarnetske, S. Record, B. Baiser, J. Belmaker, M.-N. Tuanmu, A. Strecker, and L. Beaudrot. 2018. A thermal gradient of trait similarity across North America. Ecography. doi: 10.1111/ecog.03641

25) Read, Q.D., B. Baiser, J.M. Grady, P.L. Zarnetske, S. Record, and J. Belmaker. 2018. Tropical bird species have narrower body-size niches. Biology Letters 14:20170453.

24) Babst F., P. Bodesheim, N. Charney, A. Friend, M. Girardin, S. Klesse, D. Moore, K. Seftigen, J. Björklund, O. Bouriaud, A. Dawson, R. DeRose, M. Dietze, A. Eckes,
B. Enquist, D.C. Frank, M.D. Mahecha, B. Poulter, S. Record, V. Trouet, R. Turton, Z. Zhang, M.E.K. Evans. 2018. When tree rings go global: challenges and opportunities for retro- and prospective insight. Quaternary Science Reviews 197:1-20.

23) Stinson, K.A., J. Wheeler, S. Record, and L. Jennings. 2018. Regional variation in timing, duration, and production of flowers by allergenic ragweed. Plant Ecology 219(9):1081-1092.

22) Zarnetske, P.L., B. Baiser, A. Strecker, S. Record, J. Belmaker, and M.N. Tuanmu. 2017. The interplay between landscape structure and biotic interactions. Current Landscape Ecology Reports 2(1):12-29.

21) Goring, S.J., D.J. Mladenoff, C.V. Cogbill, S. Record, C.J. Paciorek, S.T. Jackson, M.C. Dietze, A. Dawson, J. Hatala Matthes, J.S. McLachlan and J.W. Williams. 2016. Novel and lost forests in the Upper Midwestern United States, from new estimates of settlement-era composition, stem density, and biomass. PLoS One 11(12):e0151935.

20) Record, S., R.K. Kobe, C.F. Vriesendorp and A.O Finley. 2016. Seedling survival responses to conspecific density, soil nutrients, and irradiance vary with age in a tropical forest. Ecology 97:2406-2415.

19) Record, S. and N.D. Charney. 2016. Modeling species ranges. Chance 29(2):31-37.

18) Record, S., P.F.B. Ferguson, E. Benveniste, R.A. Graves, V.W. Pfeiffer, M. Romolini, C.E. Yorke, and B. Beardmore. 2016. Graduate students navigating social-ecological research: Insights from the Long-Term Ecological Research Network. Ecology and Society, 21(1):7.

17) Charney, N.D., F. Babst, B. Poulter, S. Record, V.M. Trouet, D. Frank, B.J. Enquist, and M.E.K. Evans. 2016. Observed forest sensitivity to climate change implies large changes in 21st century North American forest growth. Ecology Letters 19(9):1119-1128.

16) Charney, N.D. and S. Record. 2016. Combining incidence and demographic modeling approaches to evaluate metapopulation parameters for an endangered riparian plant. AoB Plants 8:plw044.

15) Evans, M.E.K., C. Merow, S. Record, S. McMahon, and B.J. Enquist. 2016. Towards process based range modeling of many species. Trends in Ecology and Evolution 31(11):860-871.

14) Belmaker, J., P. Zarnetske, M.N. Tuanmu, S. Zonneveld, S. Record, A Strecker, and L. Beaudrot. 2015. Empirical evidence for the scale dependence of biotic interactions. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 24(7):750-761.

13) Smith, D.R., C.S. Eiseman, N.D. Charney, and S. Record. 2015. A new Nearctic Scolioneura (Hymenoptera Tenthredinidae) mining leaves of Vaccinium (Ericaceae). Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 43:1-8.

12) Visser, M.D., S.M. McMahon, P. Dixon, C. Merow, S. Record, and E. Jongejans. 2015. Speeding up ecological and evolutionary computations in R. PLoS Computational Biology, 11(3):e1004140.

11) Lee, S.Y., J.H. Primavera, F. Dahdouh-Guebas, K. McKee, J.O. Bosire, S. Cannicci, K. Diele, F. Fromard, N. Koedam, C. Marchand, I. Mendelssohn, N. Mukherjee, and S. Record. 2014. Redefining the ecological roles and services of tropical mangrove ecosystems. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23(7):726-743.

10) Merow, C., J.P. Dahlgren, C.J.E. Metcalf, D. Childs, M.E.K. Evans, E. Jongejans, S. Record, M. Rees, R. Salguero-Gomez, and S.M. McMahon. 2014. Advancing population ecology with Integral Projection Models: a practical guide. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5:99-110.

9) Charney, N.D. and S. Record. 2013. Performing a population viability analysis from data students collect on a local plant. Teaching Issues and Experiments in Ecology, 9(2).

8) Romolini, M., S. Record, R. Garvoille, R.S. Geiger, and Y. Marusenko. 2013. The next generation of scientists: Examining the experiences of graduate students in network-level science. Ecology and Society, 18(3):42.

7) Labich, W.G., E. Hamin, and S. Record. 2013. Regional conservation partnerships in New England. Journal of Forestry, 111(5):326-334.

6) Record, S., N.D. Charney, R.M. Zakaria, and A.M. Ellison. 2013. Projecting global mangrove species and community distributions.  Ecosphere, 4(3):34.

5) Record, S., M.C. Fitzpatrick, A.O. Finley, S.D. Veloz, and A.M. Ellison. 2013. Should species distribution models account for spatial autocorrelation? A test across eight millennia of climate change. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 22:760-771.

4) Baiser, B., J. Olden, S. Record, J. Lockwood, and M. McKinney. 2012. Pattern and process of biotic homogenization in the New Pangaea. Proceedings of the Royal Society B 279:4772-4777.

3) Record, S. 2011. Plant species associated with a regionally rare hemiparasitic plant, Pedicularis lanceolata (Orobanchaceae), throughout its geographic range. Rhodora 113:125-159.

2) Sackett, T.E, S. Record, S. Bewick, B. Baiser, N.J. Sanders, and A.M. Ellison. 2011. Response of macroarthropod communities to the loss of hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), a foundational species. Ecosphere 2:1-16.

1) Ellison, A.M., S. Record, A. Arguello* and N.J. Gotelli. 2007. Rapid inventory of the ant assemblages in a temperate hardwood forest: Species composition and sampling methods. Environmental Entomology 36:766-775.